Residential Plumbing Remodel in Springfield, MO

Make Your Remodel Farr Better

Bringing your renovation to life.

Renovations can seem daunting. No matter the direction you take your project, Farr Better will handle every aspect of your renovation project’s excavation and plumbing requirements. We will get your renovation done right the first time and keep your project on time and on budget. As much as we love our customers, we don’t plan on returning post-renovation for repairs. Our goal is to execute your vision with greater efficiencies using the latest technology.

If you have an emergency, we will be there any time day, night, weekends, and holidays.

We approach each project on a per needs basis and we price our services with what is required.

We operate like a family business. We treat our customers like we wish to be treated, and want them returning to us for their plumbing needs in every phase of life

More Residential Services

If your home’s toilets, pipes, showers or other plumbing fixtures are in need of service, you need the most reliable residential plumbing team in Missouri; Farr Better Plumbing! We bring unmatched expertise to households throughout Missouri, offering professional services at every stage of the process. From initial inspection and diagnosis to spot repairs and full system replacements, nothing is beyond the scope of our residential plumbing pros.

Just a few of our many household plumbing services include:

  • Drain Cleaning
  • Repiping
  • Sewer Line Cleaning
  • Sump Pump Repair

Expert Residential Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Services

Has your toilet, shower or kitchen sink begun to drain too slowly? Hair, toilet paper, grease and personal grooming products can cause your drains to back up, leading to unpleasant smells and potentially long-term plumbing damage. Instead of relying on a store-bought DIY drain cleaner, call on our professional drain cleaning experts! Starting with a thorough inspection, we’ll address any problems with your drains, from clogs to parts repairs.

Keep Your Water Flowing Properly by Repiping

If your home is several decades old, it may be time to consider repiping. Even if you haven’t noticed the tell-tale signs of malfunctioning pipes (like leaks, flakes, or rusty water), there may be damage hidden behind the walls. By turning to our expert plumbing services, you can rest assured that your pipes are in mint condition and free from potentially costly damage and unhealthy contaminants.

Your home’s plumbing is far too important to put in the hands of anyone but the very best! Start with your consultation and cost estimate by completing our fast online form now!